Billy Wright - Principal, 6th – 8th Grade Teacher
Mr. Billy Wright has been married to Lisa Wright, R.N. since 1983. They have two sons: Joshua, and his wife Feather, and Jacob, and his wife, Angela. They also have four grand-daughters.
Billy is a former business owner and graduate of Lynchburg College with a B.S. degree in Mathematics and a minor in sport administration. He received the ETS Recognition of Excellence Award for his scores on the Praxis—Mathematics: Content Knowledge Assessments.
Billy has served in Adventist Education since 2005, teaching grades 5th through 10th at different times, as well as coaching the cross-country, basketball, and soccer teams.
He enjoys spending time with his family, various sports, crafts and restoring items. His educational philosophy: “It is my belief that God has created each student that enters my classroom with a unique personality and a special set of talents. It is my responsibility to teach those students how to use those same gifts to grow into productive Christian adults who can make good decisions, think critically and solve problems. I am entrusted by God and families to nurture each student by equipping them with the necessary tools to succeed in the classroom, in life, and for eternity.”
“…Choose you this day whom ye will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15